Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic
Weight loss 10 kg

Gastric Sleeve surgery

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric Sleeve surgery is one of the most common bariatric surgeries in Egypt recently, and it is a surgery that aims to get rid of accumulated fat and excess weight. Gastric Sleeve surgery means surgery to cut a part of the stomach, including cutting the part of the stomach responsible for secreting the hunger hormone, and the surgery also makes people feel less hungry.

Types of Gastric Sleeve surgeries:
    ●Tailored gastric sleeve surgery.
    ●Bikini sleeve gastrectomy
    ●Single port gastric sleeve surgery.
    ●Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

What are the advantages of Gastric Sleeve surgery?
The advantages of gastric sleeve surgeries are many, the most important of which is getting rid of the accumulated fat and the health damages related to obesity. During gastric sleeve surgery, the patient is satiated with the least amount of food he eats. The accumulated fat is also removed and the patient loses weight. And then gradually get rid of obesity-related diseases.

After gastric sleeve surgery, the rate of sugar entering the body decreases, and then type 2 diabetes is cured.

Why is Gastric Sleeve surgery the preferred choice by so many?
Many obese patients prefer gastric sleeve surgery because it is the last choice for all those who suffer from obesity.

We may find that most obese patients follow a very low-calorie diet, but they can't continue it, and then they turn to exercise that is very difficult and painful for joints and bones.  And these several and repetitive attempts end with resorting to bariatric surgery, which helps to get rid of excess weight and accumulated fat easily without any effort or feeling of hunger or deprivation.

Are the steps of Gastric Sleeve surgery known?
Of course, the bariatric surgeon will explain to you before the surgery the steps that he will take before surgery.

These steps begin with general anesthesia for the patient to ensure complete comfort and the lack of spontaneous movement that may hinder the results of the surgery. Then, surgical incisions are made to insert the endoscope, and then a thin needle is inserted to introduce gas to fill the abdominal cavity, which raises the upper part of the abdomen. Through this step, the surgery is facilitated.

The surgeon cuts the upper part of the stomach and staples it with modern surgical staplers through endoscopic tools, while following up on the surgery through a monitor screen.

And to ensure the safety of the surgery and the patient, a leak test is performed, and the last step is to close the surgical openings cosmetically.  The patient is taken out of the surgery room to the recovery room and from there to the normal room.

The surgery takes place in just 45 minutes, and the hospital stay does not exceed one day.

What is the difference between traditional Gastric Sleeve and Laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy?
The traditional sleeve gastrectomy is an old surgery that is no longer used today because it was performed through large and many incisions in the abdomen.  And the recovery period from surgery is long with severe pain due to the difficulty of the wound and its large size.

But laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is done through a few and very small openings that do not exceed 2 centimeters and the surgery is done through the endoscope, and therefore the wounds are small and the recovery period of surgery is short, not exceeding a week, and the pain is simple and possible that can be reduced with the analgesics prescribed by the doctor.

The aesthetic form of laparoscopic sleeve gastric surgery is much better than traditional sleeve gastrectomy.  The most important thing is the excellent results due to the magnification of the image and the clarity of the endoscope.

Why Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Because through gastric sleeve surgery, the part of the stomach that is responsible for secreting the hunger hormone is removed.

Whereas, in cases of obesity, the main cause is the hormone that always stimulates the feeling of hunger.  But with a gastric sleeve, the patient is satiated after eating small amounts of food.  And with time, without any effort, the patient gets rid of the extra weight and accumulated fat.

How to prepare for Gastric Sleeve surgery? 
Before the Gastric sleeve surgery, a consultative meeting is held between the bariatric surgeon and the patient, and through this meeting, the appropriate type of surgery is agreed upon according to the health condition and previous tests and examinations.

Some of the instructions that you must follow, including:
  1. Stop smoking completely two weeks before surgery, because smoking negatively affects wound healing.
  2. Stop any medications that increase blood flow during surgery.
  3. Avoid eating fatty foods a few days before the surgery.
  4. Fasting from eating and drinking 12 hours before surgery.

Is Gastric Sleeve surgery suitable for everyone?
Gastric Sleeve surgery is the appropriate surgery for all those who suffer from obesity and overweight.

Gastric Sleeve surgery is the appropriate surgery for all those whose accumulated fat affects their physical and psychological health.

It is the ideal surgery for everyone who suffers from diseases related to obesity such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood glucose level.

It is a surgery to get rid of about 70% of the stomach, so the amount of food he can eat decreases by 70%.  And then the patient gets rid of the accumulated fat quickly without any effort, and the diseases related to obesity gradually after the disappearance of the accumulated harmful fat.

Are there any complications after Gastric Sleeve surgery?
Of course not, because the medical team and the bariatric surgeon will accompany you in that period hour by hour, through the phone or the visit and continuous follow-up.

You will find that the treating medical team finds solutions to all problems that are expected to occur and treat them before they occur.

There is a PCA pain blocker, which is installed in the patient's vein before discharge from the hospital.  And this device regularly inserts analgesics into the patient's body so that the patient does not feel any pain.

The dietician will also follow up with the patient after surgery.  It is a simple diet that gradually grades the types of food and fluids available to be taken in the first period after surgery.  One of the benefits of a gradual diet is to prepare the stomach after surgery for foods in all their forms.